It’s funny how in the end of some instruction manuals how they leave several blank pages for note-taking. I’ve even seen some instances where they say, “this page intentionally left blank.” Did they think that I’d be afraid that their printer broke and would be too scared to write there otherwise?
I hate when electronic items have a light that is on when the product is off, meaning that when the device is on the light goes off. Why stop with the light? Why not just do that with the on/off switch too and see what happens?
Every time that I see a “Now Hiring” sign I always for some reason think of “everyone quite because they hated it here so we need to hire some other losers” instead of “we’re growing.”
Doesn’t it seem kind of funny to download a new browser from another browser? (ie downloading Firefox from IE). Guarantee there’s some jealousy and possibly counseling necessary afterwards there.
I’m working on starting a national debate- is it paper rock scissors or rock paper scissors? I’ve heard strong arguments for both sides thus far, and as you probably know, people don’t take this game very lightly.
I love how small the difference between high and low is on a microwave fan. It’s barely even noticeable and it’s supposed to be the extremes of the two ranges- high and low. They’d be much more accurate if they just made it say, “High” and “Still Pretty High”
“Hey, I just need to get in the car quick so I can go get on the plane.” Wait a sec, both are vehicles where you ride inside to get from one place to another, and we’re using “in” in one instance and “on” in another? No wonder nobody can figure out our language.
Ever hear the “Home Alone” movie music that every single plane plays prior to take off and in-flight? Next time you’re on a plane, listen for the lightly dinging bells that are played when the fasten seat belt signs and other notifications are made. Have no idea what I’m talking about? Then, just close your eyes the next time you’re on a plane, think about Macaulay Culkin, and you’ll see what I mean.
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