Tuesday, June 11, 2013

An Overdue Dosage of Not So Ironic Randomness

- You know, whether you're rich, poor or anything in between, it always sucks when you get ketchup on your pants.

- Bought something from Walgreens the other day and the clerk at the cash register was super friendly, that is until I rejected the offer of taking my receipt, which for one reason or another got me the evil eye. Good thing I paid in cash.

- One of these days I want to back out of a carwash just to see what happens.

- I know one of these times that I arrive at the gym that I will have forgotten to put on shorts underneath my sweatpants, which of course I wouldn't find out until I had already pulled down my sweatpants quickly to begin working out (not inside the locker room but the small lockers out in the open).  That's never happened before, no, never.

- Why exactly is weather.com starting to give me non-weather related stories?  The other day there was this story on there about some man and a whale and then some totally other unrelated world landmark story.  You already badly suck at predicting the weather, I suggest focusing on getting one thing right first before you branch off into other topics that nobody cares about.

- Even though nothing about the ice storm that crushed our city of Sioux Falls this April was funny, I find myself continually laughing at this photo of this truck picking up our limbs and scraps from our tree damage.  Trying to think of other usages for a big dump-type like truck with a huge mechanical arm and claws sticking out of it.  Then again, it would be kind of a cool ride...

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