- Why is it still called a glove compartment? Has anyone actually ever put gloves in there? And if so, you're weird and I don't want to be in the car with you anyway. Naming it the car manual/chapstick/crumpled napkins compartment would be more fitting.
- Considering I hit "No" 99% of the time for “Would You Like A Car Wash” when pumping gas, I wonder how surprised the gas machine is when I do actually hit yes. Sometimes I'm almost expecting some sort of sarcastic message to display, like "Are you serious? Do you really want one or did you just hit the wrong button just to tease me?”
- I always laugh when HuHot brings out menus. Why even have a menu? The cranky car wash button and the world-hates-me HuHot menu guys should hang out.
- Ok, so speaking of car washes, I've never been to a car wash where the Code Entry system volume wasn't overly loud. Yes, I know that my car wash package INCLUDES THE UNDERBODY WASH AND THE DRYER. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
- Why does canceled/cancelled get to be spelled two different ways with neither getting caught by spell check? Quit being so indecisive.
- I would have to say that as a percentage of bathrooms to people, grocery stores are by far the worst. Not only is there only one, they’re hard to find and are usually tucked back in some meatloaf only type area.
- The number of bags that Panera serves per takeout order is completely excessive. I’m sorry, but my wife’s potato soup and apple doesn’t need to go in a separate bag than my Chipotle Chicken, in a separate bag from our cookie, which then is all bagged within one massive bag. Whew, I’m tired just from typing that. Panera used 60 million paper bags last year and served 12 million people. Ok, I made up those numbers, but the ratios seem about right.
- Isn't it funny how if you actually started calling certain branded necessities by their non-branded names how you'd instantly sound like an ultra-weird goose to others? Yes, I'd like a facial tissue (Kleenex) and some lip balm (Chapstick) please. And while you're at it grab me an adhesive strip (Band-Aid) for my owie.
- Isn’t it rather strange that the Taco Bell bell and the Apple iPhone ringer on/off-vibrate bell are exactly the same wimpy looking bell? I bet that’s the first time that Taco Bell and the iPhone have ever been mentioned in the same sentence.
- I wonder how many more hair club memberships are sold because they advertise that you'll receive your membership info in a "discreet" envelope. Shhhhhh, nobody knows that you're bald.
- Do they still call it continental breakfast in Alaska + Hawaii?
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