With a life filled of Seinfeldian and Larry David like thoughts, random things always seem to be dancing through my head. Here is a small sample, enjoy.
Random Thoughts
- When I go to Qdoba and am being helped by a black person and order anything other than black beans, am I being racist?
- The word ransack seems to be a funny combination of two different words. How the meaning of the combined word makes any sense based on the two words I have no idea
- The Indian Ocean seems to easily be the most overlooked ocean out there, there has to be some jealousy on some level
- I believe that we should change the spelling of arctic to artic. It would sound better and look less funny. In fact you wouldn’t even have to tell everyone and the majority of people would already be spelling correctly.
- Why do people pull out so far when stopping at a stop light or stop sign waiting to turn onto the next street? Do they really think that will get them there any faster?
- Does the Indian star on a Tootsie Pop really lead to a free sucker? I don’t think that I ever found that out either way for sure, but I remember having a lot of random wrappers laying around when I was younger.
- I find it funny that when women watch movies that they seem to be more concerned about the safety of dogs over people, ie the Titanic.
- I’d have to give major kudos to Johnson+Johnson for officially changing the name of an adhesive strip to Band-Aid. It would sound strange and just be really weird to be asking for adhesive strips all of the time.
- Why is it such a big deal to get part of an eggshell in the pan? I remember our Home Ec teacher making a big deal about this when I was younger. I never really figured out why it was such a big deal.
- I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one that forgets that New Hampshire actually exists
- I’ve never seen a cop or a group of cops eating donuts
- What the hell is the difference between Hardees and Carl’s Jr.?
- The day that GPS by contact gets invented (or becomes mainstream) for cell phones is the day that I go back to a landline
- Why is it that when you’re tired and driving it’s easy to fall asleep when it’s warm, but if you crank the AC it keeps you awake? Yet, when you’re at home in bed it’s impossible to sleep when it’s warm, but when it’s nice and cold you can cuddle up and sleep well?
- I once knew a guy who always put the word “the” in front of his first and last name. Needless to say I wanted to bash his f*$)kng skull in.
- I’m already officially sick of Twitter and I’ve never used it.
- Why is it still called a checking account? Nobody writes checks anymore, get with the times
- When are gas stations going realize that nobody uses the Debit button, everyone just presses Credit. Why does it matter anyway? Sounds like a wasted button to me.
- There’s no restaurant that needs a sign makeover worse than Arby’s, that hat is an old, creepy turnoff.
- I once shot a squirrel and killed it, I felt really bad afterwards. It sounded like a good idea beforehand, but as soon as I hit it and it died I felt really sad.
- It’d be really nice if they’d invent heated roads, although it’s not practical whatsoever.
- Why is the national spelling bee on ESPN? And is there any practical use for a single word on there in any cultural situation?
- What’s the difference between a bumble bee and a bee?
Many more to follow, feel free to share some of your own.
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